The official return of MAVN Previous item Preventing with workshops... Next item 5 EXCELLENT REASONS TO USE...

The official return of MAVN

The great team of MAVN had the opportunity to meet, all services and fiduciaries, at the associative meeting on October 3rd.

These meetings are held five times a year and allow the team, which also works at other different offices, to keep up to date the activities of each service and exchange.

This meeting also gave the opportunity to welcome trainees who have recently joined the team.

From left to right: Thomas Paré-Raymond, Bianca Sickini-Joly, Claudelle Saint-Pierre and Laurie-Anne Bédard.

Since the beginning of September, Thomas and Claudelle have been doing their intervention internship II in Social Work Technique at Cegep of Saint-Jérôme. About Laurie-Anne, from the Mont-Laurier campus, she is doing her Intervention I internship in Special Education Technique. For her part, Bianca is doing an internship in communication since the beginning of June for the MCQL service.

Special mention to Stéphanie and Kimberly, who ensured the continuity of the work on the LSJPA files during the summer vacation!

From left to right: Stéphanie Therrien and Kimberly Lanthier-Wilson

A great start to begin a busy year!

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